A motorcycle is more than a bike...it's a culture!


Motorcycle Community & Culture

Another car is just another car. But when you dive into the motorcycle culture and community, it really becomes the start of a kind of a knit family, so to say.

Hey, my name's Justin Pogue. I'm from Phoenix, Arizona and Alaska. I commute a lot. I enjoy motorcycles and  live to ride. 

So for those that you know, want to maybe broaden their horizons with motorcycles, maybe you ride now, maybe you don't. Maybe you want to... I'd encourage you to start out small. Don't go big and get the fastest bike in the world because they literally are dangerous. But it's something, once you are on a motorcycle, it becomes a culture. They always say, “Oh, it's a Jeep thing, right?” Two Jeep guys see other Jeep guys driving down the road and they wave at each other and blah, blah. Well, motorcycles are just the same. You don't have to just ride a certain brand or a certain type of motorcycle. You can ride any kind of motorcycle. For me, anything with two wheels is super fun. 


And once you become a motorcycle rider, your culture changes because you notice the other motorcycles, you see things that you like, you talk to guys and “Oh, I didn't know you”. You know, most people ride them around town, they ride them to and from work. They ride them to and from school or church or to wherever. And don't go much beyond that. And I would encourage you, take road trips pack up a little light things for a day trip and go out and what becomes a little adventure will also trans into a lifestyle. You start connecting with other people.  

I've connected with groups of guys that have literally rode their motorcycles all the way from California to the tip of South America. And it was like a two month journey and they rode all the way down through Panama and then all the way down to Southern America, all the way down to the tip down there and back up. And now that's an extreme trip. A lot of other people will just do day trips, two day trips. For me a one day trip is average. I like to do six to eight day trips if you can, because it really branches things out. 

It exposes you to do a lot of things in the culture you meet as you're traveling other motorcycle riders. So you're not all alone. You'll see guys on the highway and sometimes you'll pair up with them and ride for a little while. You'll pull over at a rest stop, you'll see another motorcycle. You go over and you parked by it and you guys start talking about your journeys, about the weather ahead of you, about the road conditions ahead of you. Is there a construction? Is there not? And whereas if you're traveling in cars, a lot of times you don't do that because you just, you're traveling another car is just another car.


 But when you dive into the motorcycle culture and community. It really becomes the start of a kind of a knit, family, so to say. And it really is, it's a really cool experience because you get to see other motorcycles you may like and ask them about them and inquire about them. Not every motorcycle for everybody. So it's definitely something that'll help you expand and enjoy more and get more into it.

-Justin Pogue