Travis Matthew: Modern Day Golf Style


Travis Matthew: Modern Day Golf Lifestyle

Hi, we’re John and Brigid Hornacek. This is Hornacek Golf here in Chandler. We're gonna show you around some of the newest trends in golf equipment and fashion on and off the golf course come on with us, we're gonna show you around.

We're in the Travis Mathews concept shop here in Hornacek Golf.  By far the best new clothing line out there for both golf and lifestyle. They offer... about the best range of golf clothing and lifestyle clothing out there. Travis Matthews built a little concept shop for us, with a Volkswagen bug, half of it at least, and then built all this new display here for us, in our store just to highlight all their great new stuff.

We were at Mastro’s a couple of weeks ago, and we were at the bar having a drink and just kind of turned around and looked at, I would say half of the guys in the restaurant all were wearing Travis Matthews for the whole entire night which is good, cool thing because Travis isn't just golf stuff, it's a total lifestyle. It's a classic look, it's Southern California meets golf.

So now it's starting to get a little chilly here in the mornings and in the late evenings, Travis Mathews got some really great layering pieces that aren't just golf, but also lifestyle. They make a great performance fabric long sleeve golf shirt  but it's got the dress sleeves easy to roll up, not just golf. Also, another great lifestyle piece, great jacket. Not meant to golf in, but just kinda throw on a pair of jeans, t-shirt, great stuff when it's a little chilly at night.


Obviously, their icon fitted flex fit hats see them all over the place. Every time I turn the TV on a baseball game in the World Series I see a bunch of... Not even golf events, it's just a lifestyle piece. That's an iconic logo all over the place. Mark Wahlberg, Tom Brady, those guys are all Travis Mathews guys and it's Timberlake, just cool people wearing lifestyle stuff.


By far, best selling short, it's a Travis Matthew beck short. You can swim, yoga, gym, happy hour golf comes in six different colors, available all year round. Awesome, just a “go to” short.

-John & Brigid Hornacek